Saturday, 5 November 2016


enjoying working on the HOUSEMADE residency...  Zoe Gingell. Objects and themes from Breastcups and Mothersuckers work, re-appearing, being re-placed as the journey continues. 
Some thoughts...
House as home and family home- or memory of the home of childhood re-mapped drawn over the ‘body’ of the building- taking physical form- memory fantasy dream past and present sitting together in the same room. Trying to inscribe, set down, hold onto something that is sliding away from my grasp: their childhood, the inevitable loss, (the writing is on the wall) fading into the homespace of memory, transformed into an uncanny shadow of itself. 
Home as mother. Body to body, body to material, mother as body 'home'.
Collaborating with my children exploring what that means for all of us, an exploration of a physical connection and a physicality, the space we inhabit together as one body and as separate beings.